

Thursday, March 3, 2011

There's a beach at the end of my rainbow...

Honestly, what's the purpose of a goal without a little extra incentive or motivation? Of course, the prospect of becoming a healthier and leaner person weighs heavily on my decision to work out and eat better, but there's also a little more...

Aaahhh, the beautiful beach of Punta Cana. Can't you just imagine it folks? You sitting there on the, usually, uncomfortable beach chair with the beaming hot sun warming up every inch of your uncovered skin, while you chug your frozen drink before it turns into a warm runny mess... Feeling the sand between your toes as you adjust your bathing suit to apply the very much needed 3 layers of sunblock... Wait, bathing suit??! Eek! I have to put on a bathing suit? And walk around in front of people?? -- My feeling exactly. I'm very much unprepared to strap on that itty bitty, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini.

In approximately 77 days I, along with my BF and a bunch of friends, will be in the Dominican Republic for 5 glorious days. So I now I have to use this deadline to motivate myself when I feel my commitment begin to abate. So far, it hasn't really helped. To be completely honest, I have myself up to a month before the trip to see physical results. If by that time I don't see a difference I'm adding a dietary supplement to my everyday routine just to lose those remaining, nagging, pounds.

In a way that decision is bitter sweet. I know I'll see the results I anticipate, if not more, but I can't help the vexing feeling that I'm cheating. Surely disappointment will then set in, because I wasn't able to finish on my own. As I have stated in my previous blog post, I'm used to quick fixes and not seeing instant results makes me displeased and disheartened. To my chagrin, I respond better to instant gratification...

One thing that keeps me motivated, even if ever so slightly, is how my Matt's doing. I see a significant change in him and I long to accomplish the same. I am not as disciplined as he is. Though I'm hoping that going through this experience together will instill that discipline in me. I am very proud of him. and I am very happy to be able to look up to him as a guide, or a reference even, for how I should modify my lifestyle, both nutritionally and physically. I will delve into this topic further in another blog.

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength"
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

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