

Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting back on the wagon

Two years ago I decided to make a commitment to my body. To become more conscience of what I eat, exercise more, and be all around healthier. I began the P90X home exercise routine and in three month's time I saw a great difference in my appearance. I also felt, probably the best I have ever felt in my life.

Fast forward to summer 2011, I fell off the wagon. The perception that I could take some time off from the diet and exercise regimen I had worked so hard to make a routine and be able to pick up where I left off was an illusion. I began eating whatever I wanted, still conscience of what is healthy and what isn't. I stopped exercising with the excuse that it was too warm to exercise.

Not only is it safe to say that I haven't gotten back on that wagon, but that wagon is far from view at this point. So here I am, January 2013, 20 pounds heavier than I was last time I posted a blog. Also the heaviest I've ever been in my life. And no to mention completely unhappy with my body and how I've been treating it. Well no more!! It's time to chase that wagon and back on it.

I could be wrong, but posting a blog about my progress may have helped in some way, so starting today I'll post little things here and there about my food choices, my exercise routine, and of course my progress. Well, here goes nothing...