

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Could it be??

Yesterday I decided to step on the scale for the first time since my 30 day weigh in. Since I'm only a week away from my "official" 60 day weigh in I wasn't really looking for BMIs, body fat percentage and what not, I just wanted an idea of how I've done in the past 3 weeks. In other words, just plain old curiosity. What the scale read literally baffled me. I stepped off and on the scale at least 3 times to make sure there wasn't something wrong with my vision. Ha! This is what it read:

125.6?? Really?! I started out at 133.8 lbs and my original goal was to go down to 120 lbs, but since then I've changed my mind due to the fact that a 13.8 lb weight loss was, in truth, a little much. With my "realistic" weight loss goal of 8.8 lbs I would then weigh my desired 125. The scale, as you see in the picture above, is telling me that I only need to lose .6 lbs over the next 5 weeks! Ah! That's amazing!

BUT, being the true pessimist that I am, I believe that without a doubt the scale is off. There must be some mechanical error or maybe my body was off that morning or something that would logically put me back up to 130 lbs. I almost refuse to believe that I've lost 5.2 lbs in 3 weeks. I mean, if you think of it logically, I lost 3 lbs in the first 30 days. How is it possible for me to lose 5.2 lbs in 3 weeks without me doing anything different?? The P90X work out routine is a different one, but seeing as how I missed a few days from being sick and with the nagging shoulder strain it kind of balances out. Doesn't it?

Nevertheless, I'm not taking what's sure to be just a fluke to heart. Next week is my 60 day weigh in so I'll be able to discern if this scale is for real or not. Here's to hoping...

"Hope is a desire with an expectation of accomplishment" -Unknown

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