

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pebble in my shoe!

It's week 7! I've been anxiously waiting for this week so that I can finally have visual proof of my progress thus far. All this anxiety could have been avoided had I taken those darn pictures on day 1! Ugh.

Putting the scale and measurement numbers aside, I have noticed some progress over these past 30+ days. Without the visual comparison of the before and after photos I've been depending solely on how my clothes fit to "feel" that there has been progress. Some jeans that used to fit me snug are fitting better if not loosely. There are some shirts that had made me feel self conscious when I put them on that no longer have the same effect. And of course the tell tale sign that you're losing weight amongst women, the breasts reduce in size. Now, I personally feel that this should go in the "Not so good" file. Unfortunately for us women, there's no way around it. If your goal is to lose weight, you must be prepared to lose some filling in your cups. haha.
I was hoping that in the transition from week 6 all through the end of week 7 I would be able to push myself a little more just so I can end Phase 2 on a high note and also to get better results when picture day came around. That, of course, isn't the way the cookie crumbles. Last week during my yoga exercise I felt a pain in my right shoulder which was preceded by, I believe, something being pulled in it. I decided to just take a minute and shake it off then proceed with the rest of the work out.

The following day I opted to take as a rest day instead of possibly putting greater strain in my shoulder. I knew that this would require me to work out on a Sunday, but it was a good decision. That day came and went, so did the following day, and so did the next. In other words, I went 3 days without working out. My conscious was definitely heavy, but I couldn't shake the nagging discomfort in my shoulder. Fortunately for me it wasn't a constant discomfort otherwise I'd have to make a trip to the doctor's office which would more than likely result in unwanted news.

As if that were not enough, I'm coming down with a cold. Being sick inevitably turns me into a big baby and I want nothing more than to lay on the couch and be papered. I'm hoping that I can keep this cold at bay, because I am absolutely certain Tony Horton will do no pampering. haha.

So here I am, 4 days away from "picture day", anxiously hoping that the days I missed last week won't affect my desired results for this week. Sigh. Here's to hoping...

 "I truly believe that we can overcome any hurdle that lies before us and create the life we want to live. I have seen it happen time and time again." -Gillian Anderson

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