

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's MY body

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and instantly became dissatisfied with what you saw? Have you ever tried to put on your favorite pair of jeans and nearly passed out from all the effort you put forth to try and get the button closed? Remember the day that absolutely nothing you put on felt and looked right? Do you wish you could go back in time have bring back with you that body you had a long time ago? I sure have.

My decision to improve myself, inside and out, was a decision that I've put on the backburner for a long time. Too long, maybe. What's important is that I'm finally doing it. I'm getting myself up (most) mornings for my daily workout. I've become more conscious of what I eat. More importantly, though, I'm starting to feel good about myself. Isn't that what really matters? When someone makes a conscious decision to change their eating habits and to incorporate exercise in their day to day rituals isn't it solely for the purpose of feeling better about themselves? To build up their self esteem? Granted, in some cases it's more of a medical decision if a person is obese. But in general, for those of us that would just like to shed a few pounds or tone up a few muscles here and there, that's what it's about.

In the past 30 days I've lost 3lbs by working out and eating better. To some, the change is visible. To me, there's still work to be done. Going into this change of lifestyle I expected only positive comments in response to my progress. Never did I expect there to be negative comments. The other day someone I've known for years saw me and said, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight. You're so skinny." To which I responded, "Thanks, but I've only lost 3 lbs, I've still got a few more to go." The other person then said, "Oh, no. Don't lose anymore weight. You'll look like a boy." Now I find this very hard to believe being a woman with curves. I was honestly baffeled at this comment. I alone should determine how much weight loss is too much. I don't look sickly. I'm not starving myself. I'm not taking any crazy dietary supplements that accelerate my heart rate. I'm doing things the right way. The healthy way. And yet I still get comments like these.

I almost expected comments like: "You don't need to lose any weight" ; " You look fine the way you are" ; "You're skinny as it is" and the like. I guess it's normal for people to react that way when they hear that someone who isn't overweight or obese saying that they're going to start exercising and eating healthier and/or less. Comments like these really don't bother me, because that's only others' opinions of you. Of course, we all have a different perception of our own body. We're the ones that see our own flaws day in and day out. Everyone has flaws and everyone ultimately wants to have those flaws fixed. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what other people say, because I'm going to continue my progress. I'm going to lose weight. I mean, that's part of working out. So, say what you will. Go ahead and have your own opinions of me and how my body looks. All of that doesn't matter, because in the end it's MY body and I'll do with it whatever I choose to do with it.  :)

 "Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do."
-Benjamin Spock

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