

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Race to the Finish

Last year my wonderful boyfriend, Matt, came to me with the idea of joining a race called the Warrior Dash.
This race isn't like a typical marathon or triathlon. It includes various obstacles along the route in the mountainous terrain of Windham Mountain (for our race in particular). These races are held all around the country and attract, mostly, the athletes and adventure enthusiasts. Well, I'm far from either of the two. Nonetheless I decided to join him and a few of our friends along for this new experience. The 3.23 mile race was grueling! The first half of the race was straight up a mountain and I was definitely not physically, and mentally, prepared for what lay ahead. Once we finished the uphill portion of the race and dove into the muddy waters of one of the obstacles I seemed to gain a 2nd wind. From that point on the race actually became fun! Over wooden planks, cargo nets, through clearings between trees, downhill, and crawling through a mud pit underneath rows of barbed wire we trudged on and completed the race. The adrenaline rush that it gave was great. Now, I didn't anticipate finishing in good time at all and luckily Matt stayed by my side the whole time cheering me on. Once the race was complete and we all got out of our muddy clothes and sat down for our free beer, I knew that I would be doing this again the following year.

This year I've come across at least 6 different races similar in style to the Warrior Dash. Some options were discarded due to the proximity in dates to other races. Others were discarded due to me valuing my life (too extreme for me at this point) haha. In my mind I believed that I would only be entering in 2 races this year. Though I'm in the process of completing P90X I'm not quite sure I'm physically fit to compete alongside Matt, who has more cardiovascular strength than me. But now with 4 different race possibilities I think that's going to have to change. Looks like I'll have to lace up my running shoes and start training.

The earliest race falls on the day I've decided to celebrate my birthday. (This should be interesting) The Metro Dash has more obstacles incorporated into this event (30) as opposed to the amount in Warrior Dash (12). It won't be held in any "rough terrain" either. So it seems to me that this event may be more copasetic with all resistance training and physical endurance I've gotten out of P90X thus far. Or at least I hope. With less than a month to go 'till this event I've really got to get the ball rolling if I wish to survive this.

The event following the Metro Dash is the Spartan Race. I'll have 3 weeks to try and heal any possible wounds obtained in Metro Dash as well as build up some cardiovascular resistance. This race is comparable to Warrior Dash in the amount of obstacles, miles, and terrain. With a smaller amount of obstacles incorporated into the race, the actual running time increases. :Sigh:

The 3rd race is, to my felicity, more than a month away from the Spartan Race. Warrior Dash 2011
in good ol' Windham Mtn, we shall meet again. Seeing as how I'll have 2 other races under my belt this year I'll hope to beat my time the previous year. This time, though, I won't have my lovely Matt cheering me on. He also wishes to do better than his time the previous year and I'd only hold him back. So I will be cheering him on from the back of the pack, unless I manage to keep up with him. haha :) I've recruited a few friends along for this journey which should be a great experience!

The 4th and last race is still up in the air. We haven't fully committed to this one because it's more of a scavenger hunt. The Great Urban Race is held in urban locations (i.e. Manhattan) and you and your teammate are given a paper with clues that will lead you to a location where you would, upon deciphering the clue, would lead you to another location. The first few teams to make it to the finish line with all the completed clues win monetary prizes, which is also different from any of the other races.

As you can see this is a very ambitious goal I have set for myself. I hope not only to live up to my expectations, but also to surpass them. Fingers crossed and running sneakers on. It's training time! :)

**Many of these races are held for charitable causes.
Please check race listings near you and sign up for
a fun filled day of mud, sweat, and adrenaline**

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in" -Bill Bradley

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